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Monday 8 October 2012

Info Post

It’s about time. After a muggy, sweaty September, we’re finally seeing some fall weather in southeastern Pennsylvania. This is the view along one of the White Clay Creek trails, where we ride bikes and walk Sorcia.

Things have slowed down for me, in terms of writing, and I presently have a little downtime. It’s funny – I managed to keep up a 3 day-a-week blogging schedule while I was editing The Caged Graves and revising my WIP and critiquing multiple manuscripts for other writers. Now that I have a break, I find myself with very little to say.

A couple weeks ago, I had no post for Friday. I almost posted to say as much, but it seemed a waste of YOUR time for me to post that I had nothing to post. So I just skipped, and the world didn’t end. Marcy Hatch emailed to check on me. Thanks, Marcy!

I think, for awhile, I’m going to knock the blogging back to Monday and Wednesday except for First Impressions and scheduled events – or if I have something exciting to share. (That would be nice. Where do I order up some good news?) I’ll still be around to your blogs as often as I can be.

I’m planning to use my spare time to read. There’s a long list of books I want to read, and it always seems that reading for pleasure is the thing that gets pushed off the schedule when I’m writing and critiquing and lesson planning and correcting student work. Well, this fall, I plan on moving reading up my priority list.

What are yourplans this fall?


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