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Friday 16 September 2011

Info Post

Every fall, I hit a slump in creativity. There’s no mystery to it: the beginning of a school year takes a lot out of me. There’s a new schedule to learn and new students to get to know, not to mention I’m also a parent of two daughters starting their own busy school year. Luckily, by now I know it’s a temporary condition that will subside in a few weeks as I adjust to the routine.
So, I guess it’s a good thing I’m winding down my current WIP, finishing up the fifth round of revision and editing, tweaking details and trimming words before sending it to my agent. (Fingers crossed she likes it!) But I’m a little sad to not have a kick-ass new draft waiting in the wings.
I DO have a project started, but I’m not in love with it. I guess you could say we’re dating. I’m not very serious about it so far, and I’m not positive I won’t be dumping it eventually, but right now it’s better than spending my nights alone. I can’t commit to a new relationship anyway, since I’ll probably get an editorial letter for THE CAGED GRAVES in a few weeks. It could be sticky if I got myself involved in a love affair with new characters just when I need to spend all my time with some old, familiar ones. Kind of like an old boyfriend showing up and wanting to crash at your place just as you’re starting to get serious about a new guy.
So for now, I’m keeping it casual. You know, just spending time with the new WIP for fun with no strings attached. I’m distracted by the new school year, finishing up one love affair and anticipating the return of an old friend. Not the time to fall in love, even if I kind of wish I WAS in love.
How about you? Are you available and actively looking? Casually dating? Playing the field? Newly fallen in love? Or well into a long-term commitment with all its ups and downs, highs and lows, and countless revisions? Do tell!


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