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Wednesday 27 July 2011

Info Post

I got lucky! I was assigned to jury duty today and tomorrow, but when I called the "jury hotline" last night, I was told not to come in today. Woo hoo! A totally free day -- because of course I kept my calendar open, thinking for sure I'd have to go in.
I’ve only been called for jury duty once before – four or five years ago. I was told by someone knowledgeable to bring lots of stuff to keep busy, because there was no chance anyone would choose a school teacher for a jury. “Too opinionated,” this person said.
Er … That’s a compliment, right?
Well, this person (who shall remain nameless) was wrong. I was snapped up in the first ten minutes for a civil case in which a woman was suing her employer for wrongful dismissal and threats against her life. Yikes! Threats against her life!!! It was horrifying and exciting all at the same time.
In the opening statements, the woman’s lawyer told us that the employer had repeatedly threatened his client with a knife in his office and that he had even injured her severely by hurling a softball at her.
Turns out, the knife was a Swiss army knife he used to fiddle with while talking to people (flipping it open and closed while he talked – to everyone, not just her) and the “softball” was literally a SOFT ball, a stress ball made of foam which was routinely tossed around the office as a tension reliever. It supposedly bruised her upper arm. In short, the trial was a waste of everybody’s time and money. The City of West Chester even had to buy me a lunch, because the jury was sequestered (SEQUESTERED!!!) on the second day so that we could deliberate on the verdict.
I still have to call in tonight to see if I need to go in tomorrow. Can’t wait to see what Thursday has in store for me! A day full of sitting in uncomfortable chairs with unhappy strangers, trying to write on my laptop? Another riveting civil case? Or another lucky break?
Have YOU ever had an interesting jury duty?


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