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Friday 19 November 2010

Info Post
Occasionally, in blog interviews and even in person, I get asked, “Who would you pick to play the lead roles in We Hear the Dead, if it were made into a movie?”

Interestingly enough, even though there’s a film option on We Hear the Dead and even though I wrote a screenplay for the movie as part of the deal, I hadn’t given casting a lot of thought until I started my blog tour. I know that in the actual course of events, my input in choosing the actors will be … well, ZERO! But if we’re talking a fantasy cast, then here are my picks.

Maggie Fox = Emma Roberts

I picked Emma because she has the same coloring as the original Maggie Fox, along with a girl-next-door beauty that won’t be dimmed by taking away her make-up and putting her into a 19th century dress. She also has an honest face. When this girl tells you that she’s spoken to your dead relatives, you’re going to believe her – even if she’s lying.

Kate Fox = Saoirse Ronan

In 19th century contemporary documents, Kate Fox is described as “luminous.” One of her regular séance clients supposedly commented, “I think this whole thing is a humbug, but it’s worth a dollar just to bask in the light of Miss Katy’s eyes.” Even with a dark wig, Saoirse’s innocent beauty would be perfect for the dreamy Kate.

Leah Fox Fish = Kelly Reilly

For the domineering older sister, I needed an attractive actress who could be personable and charming -- and cold as flint when needed. There’s a calculating schemer behind Leah’s outwardly pleasant persona and, recalling Kelly Reilly in the role of Caroline Bingley in Pride and Prejudice, I felt sure she could do the job.

Elisha Kane = Jake Gyllenhaal

I spent a l-o-n-g time looking for Dr. Elisha Kane. My publicist suggested Russell Crowe. Yes, he’s rugged enough. My daughter pointed out a picture of Joseph Fiennes. Yes, he’s got those intense eyes. And yet, I needed someone who combined ruggedness and intensity. Somebody who would take out his saber and defend a wounded, fallen soldier, even if that soldier were his enemy. Somebody who would rappel down into a live volcano, trudge through snowdrifts in the Arctic, and still write romantic poetry for the girl he loved. My final choice: the dashing Jake Gyllenhaal.

If you had the chance to pick a fantasy cast for the characters in YOUR book, who would they be?


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