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Friday 8 October 2010

Info Post

I realized the other day that I’ve never blogged about how I got my film option! A definite oversight on my part! Well, it may not be as long and convoluted as “How I Met Your Mother” but it’s worth a mention anyway …

You see, the front door needed painting, and I have very little decorating sense. So when my husband asked, “What color?” I shrugged and reached for my best decorating reference: Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life by Karen Rauch Carter. That’s right: feng shui.

I mean, why not? If I don’t know what colors to use anyway – or what to hang on the walls – consulting a feng shui book is a lot easier than clipping pictures from magazines. So, I buy sconces with swirls for one corner of the house, and I accent another with red candles. It all looks good to me. And plus, it might work.

The front door is the Career area of the home, and MYSCYL suggested black was a powerful color here. Besides, it matched the geometric designs of the carpet runner in the foyer. I could tell Bob was relieved. He felt confident he couldn’t make a mistake by coming home with “the wrong black.”

So, my husband painted the door and was just putting the finishing touches on it when, in the other room, I got an email from Amy Green, Film Producer, of 3Geez Films and One Eye Open Studio in Hollywood, asking whether the film rights to my book were available. I read the email about five times. It didn’t appear to be coming from Nigeria. She didn’t ask me to send her a certified check for $100,000 or transfer any money for her. A quick Google search confirmed that these companies really existed.

When I carried my laptop over to the foyer, Bob was just smoothing out the paint bubbles. I think I held out the computer to him and made little whimpering noises. He read the email over my shoulder – looked at me, looked at the door, and looked at the wet paint brush in his hand.

“What else do you want me to paint?” he asked.

(Amy, if you’re reading this, you might be surprised to discover you were summoned by the forces of the universe – but then again, I’ll bet you’re not.)

By the way, the other night, Amy gave a big thumbs up to my most recent draft of the screenplay. We think we’re moving forward from here!

It might be time to do a little decorating.


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