Breaking News
Monday 11 February 2013

Info Post
The publishing world is like that. Months and months of NO ACTIVITY. And then a bunch of stuff happens all at the same time.

I’ve seen a semi-final cut of THE SPIRIT GAME movie. I'll share that experience in a separate blog post, but I feel like a tease telling you about it when -- unless you frequent film festivals -- you’re probably won’t have the chance to see it for a year. The producer tells me that they are currently applying for admittance to film festivals, and the film will not be available for download or rental until next year. But I can tell you now, it was 10 minutes of awesome.

It’s still a few months before THE CAGED GRAVES comes out. I haven’t seen any “big” reviews yet (like Kirkus, Booklist, School Library Journal), but a couple ARC reviews have trickled onto Goodreads. Plus, I ordered t-shirts. And when I get them, I expect I’ll want to give some away …

I’m also closing in on the completion of the first draft of THE EIGHTH DAY #2. Since the first draft is always hardest for me, I wanted to get that done before I got caught up in promotions for TCG. And something awesome about HarperCollins – they’re holding back the copy-editing of Book 1 until I finish Book 2, just so I can change anything I need to make the books work together.

And oh yeah, I’m still expected to show up at work every day and teach the kids.

I'm trying to keep up with everybody's blogs, but I don't get around as much as I like. So tell me, what’s been keeping YOU busy lately?


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