Breaking News
Monday 21 January 2013

Info Post

Martin Luther King dreamed of sweeping social reform.

Some of us have smaller, more personal dreams, and for many of my blogging friends, it’s the dream of being published. 

If you’re a middle grade writer with a manuscript ready for querying, then you need to visit Project Mayhem today where there is an awesome contest going on – just for MG.

Michael Winchell is organizing the contest. He and Shannon O’Donnell are taking submissions of queries and first pages until Thursday. They will each choose 3 submissions and request more pages, looking for a promising manuscript that would interest their agents: Alyssa Eisner Henkin of Trident Media Group and Terrie Wolf of AKA Literary. Michael and Shannon will each send one winner's manuscript on to their agent with their personal recommendation.

Some of the other Team Mayhem authors have offered up secondary prizes, such as a query critique by Matt McNish and a three chapter critique from me.

Best of luck to everyone who enters, and special thanks to Mike Winchell for the idea!

In other news,
a) I’ve still got one spot open in February for a first page critique.
b) THE CAGED GRAVES is one of Richie’s Picks on the Rutgers Children’s Lit newsletter.
c) I will have some awesome stuff to share on Wednesday about the SPIRIT GAME short film.
d) I skied the heck out of Jack Frost Mountain in Blakeslee, PA this weekend. In fact, depending on when you read this post, I might still be doing it.


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