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Monday 24 September 2012

Info Post
May 14, 2013 seems like a long time away, but I can feel things already starting up. The galley copies of The Caged Graves went back to the publisher, and ARCs will be out soon. I've started to design some swag. (By design, I mean I look over my daughter’s shoulder while she creates a bookmark template for me.) And soon I'll be looking forward to blog tours.

Speaking of which -- if you have any interest in me stopping by your site for a guest blog or interview, please contact me at I'd be thrilled to schedule something with you. I'm not comfortable sending out mass emails, and I won't be doing a "blitz" or a "chart rush" or anything like that. But if you'd like to have me over, I'd be happy to visit!

My next project will be a short story for the Month9Books 2013 Charity Anthology, a dark re-envisioning of an urban legend. The Month9Books 2012 anthology, Two and Twenty Dark Tales, is releasing in October, by the way, and it looks fascinating! Twisted little tales based on Mother Goose rhymes.  Did Jack really fall down the hill, or did Jill push him?

Finally, I've been trying to keep up my visits to everybody else's blogs, but I know I'm falling behind. The beginning of the school year is always tough, and dividing my brain between Mrs. Salerni, the teacher, and Dianne K. Salerni, the author, is sometimes a struggle. (There’s also Mom and Wife; let’s not forget them!) But I miss you when I don't visit you, and I will get around as often as I can!

Happy Monday, everyone -- and where did September go?!


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