Two weeks from today, I will be enjoying the first day of my summer vacation.
Today, I was supposed to be at school. Not teaching, but in professional development meetings. Instead, I'm home with my third sinus infection of the year. I'm not sure that's better than a day of meetings, but I suppose I might get a nap out of it -- if I can manage to breathe while lying down.
Right now, the light at the end of the tunnel is looking kind of dim. But I know what's waiting for me at the other end -- and it's this:
My writing spot on the brick patio under my deck, next to my goldfish pond.
Most of my writer-blogger friends are expecting to lose writing time over the summer because their kids will be home. Me -- I will gain writing time because I'm sending your kids home. Tag! You're it!
All kidding aside, it makes me a little sad because I know some of my blogging friends will be taking a summer hiatus for that very reason ... just when I finally have time to blog more. It's like arriving at the party late. I bust in the door, saying, "Phew ... I finally got here!" And then I look around and discover everybody has already left.
So, tell me, friends. Will you still be here for the summer? I hope so, because I've got my eye on that light at the end of the tunnel.
It's keeping me sane.
A Dim Light at the End of the Tunnel
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