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Monday 31 October 2011

Info Post
How do you like the deviled eyeballs my husband made for my daughter's Halloween party? Awesome, huh?

I'd like to wish good luck to everybody participating in the NaNoWriMo Challenge starting tomorrow! I don't participate in NaNo, because November's not a good month for me to start a new project -- I always have an avalanche of end-of-trimester work to grade, report cards to complete, and parent-teacher conferences.

I also have 3 author events coming up -- at Children's Book World in Haverford, PA, the Avon Grove Library in West Grove, PA, and the KidLit Festival in Lititz, PA. Check the sidebar for details. Perhaps I'll see some of you there!

Today's the last day to enter the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop. I'll announce the winners from my giveaway on Wednesday, along with a November First Impressions post. Besides my regular First Impressions series, I'll also be participating this month in promotional events for Susan Kaye Quinn's Open Minds and Jessica Bell's String Bridge. And, I'm guest posting over at The Crowe's Nest tomorrow, talking about the challenges of writing historical fiction for a YA audience.

Phew! That is a busy month! I feel like I'm forgetting something ... probably groceries, house cleaning, and doctor's appointments, as usual. Let's just hope I don't forget to pick up my kids from their various after school activities!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to start organizing my information for the presentation I'll be giving at 2 events this month: Outlining vs Pantstering. I have to sit down and decide whether I'm going to outline my presentation ... or, ahem, fly by the seat of my pants ...

Any bets on which one I'll choose?


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