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Wednesday 24 August 2011

Info Post

At the beginning of the summer, I posted goals for all the things I wanted to accomplish during my vacation. Today (probably while you are reading this), I am sitting in faculty meetings, preparing for the start of the 2011-2012 school year. For me, summer is over, so I figured it was time to report how I did.
1) I wanted to finish my first draft of VOLTAGE, complete one round of revisions, and send it out to beta readers. I did all this and more! I’m currently working on draft 4, based on reader feedback and my own gut instinct about the weak areas of the story.
2) My second goal was to get halfway through another project, which I was calling DOOMSDAY. Sadly, this story got trunked. It lacked a strong enough conflict to drive the plotline, and I couldn’t muster any enthusiasm for revising/rewriting it. I spent a little time exploring an entirely different idea, but mostly I spent the summer with VOLTAGE.
3) I wanted to visit more blogs, and I hope I did that. During the school year, blog visits are generally limited to what I can do over my coffee in the morning and perhaps what I might read on my phone over lunch break. But never, ever during a faculty meeting. Nope. Not ever. ;)
4) My fourth goal was to exercise often. Um, let’s not talk about how badly I failed that one.
5) The final goal I posted was to redecorate the horrendous eyesore that we called “the playroom” into a lounge where my teenage and tweenage daughters could hang out with their friends. I’m happy to say this was a great success! Pictures later this week!
6) I didn’t post a sixth goal in June, but I definitely had one I didn’t want to put into print. I wanted to sell a book. And happily, I met that goal! If the announcement in Publishers Marketplace wasn’t enough to prove to me it was really happening, the startlingly fast appearance of THE CAGED GRAVES on Goodreads did!
So, tell me? Did you meet your goals for the summer?


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