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Friday 17 June 2011

Info Post

I’m writing this on Sunday and scheduling it to post on Friday – which will be my first day of summer vacation. (Boy, I wish I could jump ahead and skip the intervening days!)

Last summer, I posted a set of goals for my vacation, and I did a pretty good job at meeting most of them. So, it seems like a good idea to make it an annual event. Here’s what I hope to accomplish before returning to school in the fall:

  1. Finish this draft of Voltage and one round of revisions before looking for beta readers. The current draft will be my first complete one (although I had two false starts) and I already have a laundry list of Stuff That I Need to Change, so I expect to address those things in the first full revision.
  2. Get at least 1/2 of the way through my first draft of the doomsday story (title keeps changing). I was working on it in tandem with Voltage for awhile, but I put it aside when I started making real progress with Voltage and didn’t want to lose my momentum. I don’t think it will be hard to get back into it.
  3. Read more blogs. I was happy that I was able to keep up with blogging during the school year, but I didn’t get around to other people’s blogs as often as I wanted. I look forward to reading more of YOUR posts while I’m off for the summer.
  4. Exercise. This usually means swimming in the pool, although taking the dog for long walks is also fun when it’s not too hot.
  5. Make over the play room into a teen/tween hangout. I don’t even look in the playroom anymore. It’s a filthy den of broken Barbie parts, half-completed crafts, remnants of school projects, Legos, and I shudder to think what else. It needs a massive clean-out, a new paint job, and then the fun part – shopping for new furniture!

What’s on your list for the summer?

P.S. In the early spring, I posted a picture of my barren back yard. I was asked to follow up with nicer pictures later. That’s one at the top!


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