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Monday 7 February 2011

Info Post

Next Monday is Christina Lee and Stina Lindenblatt's Valentine’s Day-inspired event: Just Kiss Already Blogfest. I’ll be participating with a kissing scene from my current WIP.

Lenny – be forewarned. You might want to skip next Monday. I know this isn’t your thing, and I’m afraid there’s going to be smooching, canoodling, and making out all over the blogosphere! :D

To participate, sign up at Christina Lee’s site. Next Monday, post a 250-word kissing scene – real kissing, mind you, no near misses. It can be from your work, or somebody else’s work you admire, as long as you give credit appropriately. Then, please visit 3-5 other participating blogs to respond to their scenes.

Oooh-la-la. Everybody pucker up!

In the meantime, I should have a post up today at the Dear Teen Me blog, if you care to visit. I sent them various teen-me photographs. I can't wait (yikes!) to see which one they post.


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