Breaking News
Monday 16 August 2010

Info Post
WAH! A week from tomorrow, the 2010-2011 school year starts for me. The kids have another week off, but teachers return next Tuesday. Here’s how I feel about it:

Yup. Don’t get me wrong – it’s not the kids and it’s not teaching that I dread. It’s being forcibly disconnected from the blogosphere that’s the problem. I admit that I’ve become completely addicted to social networks this summer: Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Write On Con, Teen Fire … you name it … they are all blocked from my work computer.

Here’s how they’re going to get me back to work:

All right, it’s not just the social networking. There’s also the loss of writing time, of course. And then, there’s the job itself. Teaching is not what it once was. Thanks to No Child Left Behind, the government gives my students a test and then judges me, my school, and my district on whether they pass a standard set by the state. And every two years, Pennsylvania raises the standard. I expect that within my first week back, my colleagues and I will be treated to an In-Service Day presentation of all the NEW REQUIREMENTS plus an estimation of HOW MUCH LESS MONEY THE STATE IS GIVING US and an unveiling of THIS YEAR’S STRATEGY for SPINNING GOLD OUT OF STRAW.

Here’s my colleagues and I going to that meeting:

Grim, huh? There’s really only two things that send me back to the classroom at all. One is the paycheck that covers the mortgage, ahem. And the other is this:

Not the apple. The student.

This Thursday and Friday, I’ll be participating in my first Blogfest: Guess that Character, hosted by Jen @ Unedited. Stop by to read a sample of a WIP and see what you can discern about my characters!

Oh, and that mug at the top of this post? That’s one of my offspring. Yeah.


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