Breaking News
Friday 2 April 2010

Info Post

Do you believe communication with the dead is possible?

Have you ever felt the presence of someone who was not physically present?

Teen Fire wants to know! So much so that they are hosting a contest to give away either a free copy of We Hear the Dead by yours truly or Picture the Dead by Adele Griffin and Lisa Brown.

Picture the Dead is a beautifully illustrated paranormal romance in the gothic style about a woman who loses her fiancé in the Civil War. When she starts to get close his brother (who refuses to talk about her fiancée’s death), the dark ghost of her former lover makes his wrath felt. Is he a dark spirit, returned to haunt her? Or is he trying to protect her from a hidden family secret?

All you have to do to enter the contest is join Teen Fire and leave a comment on the contest page answering one of the two questions above. Come on – we want to hear your story!

And look out for news regarding a joint book event featuring both these books and all three of us authors in the Philadelphia area this May. Details forthcoming … when I know the details. :D


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